
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

4th graders researching the VA regions

Children finishing follow on work from lesson on periodic tables

Kennedy Center field trip tomorrow


Children need to have forms in tomorrow or they cannot go. It must be in written form, a phone call will not do.  You may send an email stating permission that your child can go to the Kennedy Center on Thursday, Oct. 1, to see the making of  Carmen.

YOU can pay later.
Have the children dress appropriately. Thanks. Ms. Lopatkiewicz

Monday, September 21, 2015

Math testing

IA testing for all my 4th and 5th years. Working hard...

Sunday, September 20, 2015

IA Beginning of Year (BOY) Math test is tomorrow at 9:10
for all 4th and 5th years.

Please see that they have a healthy breakfast and plenty of rest.


SERC Field trip for 4th graders

                                           SERC Field trip for 4th graders
           SERC REMINDER!
         Friday, September 25, 2015

Parent Chaperones, please try to be in room 320 by 9:00 a.m. for a briefing on the day's activities and responsibilities.

Children, try to be at school on time as we will be attempt to leave promptly at 9:20 a.m.

All attendees should dress for getting wet and dirty. Tie shoes or comfortable boots, socks, jeans, T-shirts, and windbreakers or slickers should work.

Sunscreen and hats are a good idea, too. Layers are important as the temperature always varies close to the water.

Dry shoes, socks, and pants might be good items to bring for changing into once back at school.

Everyone needs to bring a hearty lunch.

Please do not pack any breakable items, flatware, or containers. The less we have to worry about getting home, the better.

Please do pack at least two battles of water - no sweet drinks as these go not quench thirst.

We're looking forward to a great adventure! Thank you for your support

Eileen Lopatkiewicz
Kimberly Van Wagner

P.S. Children, no cameras or electronic devices on this trip, please.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Recuerde "Noche de Regreso a la Escuela" este jueves, 17 de septiembre Intérpretes estará disponible en el aula. Por favor, únase a nosotros en este divertido y noche informativo. Por favor, recuerde que este evento no es para los niños, sólo los adultos. Gracias y esperamos verlos a todos!

Eileen Lopatkiewicz
Remember "Back to School Night" this Thursday, Sept. 17. Interpreters will be available in the classroom. Please join us for this fun and informational evening. Please remember that this event is not for the children, just adults. Thank you and looking forward to seeing everyone!

Children serving children